Hidden Heroes
Three Ways Managed Services Keeps Your World Moving Few industries are as critical to the future smart cities agenda as
CHH is all about its people. They shape our ethos, culture and values. To provide better insight into our operations we will be writing regular articles profiling key members of our team. We will shine a light on their role and responsibilities and learn about what they do in a typical working day.
We are starting by talking to CHH’s Managed Services Coordinator Sam Sault. Sam works in CHH’s busy Managed Services division which supports around 15 customers with its rapid response service. Each month it supplies more than 135,000 parts to approximately 3,000 engineers, with an impressive OTIF (On Time In Full) of 99.54%.
How long have you been with CHH?
I have worked for CHH for almost 10 years. It’s incredible to think it has been that long because it has flown by. I started out as a Customer Service Representative working on the NEC account. That gave me a great introduction to the business and how we apply our smart connectivity solutions to meet different customer requirements.
How has your role changed over time?
In 2018 Laura Leese asked me to come and work with her in CHH’s Managed Services division. I took on the position of Managed Services Coordinator at a time when that part of the business had only just been established. It was exciting to be part of that growth journey. My previous role had mainly focused on data entry, but I now had the opportunity to manage my own customer accounts and really develop those client relationships. I started out working with Vodafone before also taking on the CH4 account.
Describe a typical working day.
I am the main point of contact for my two clients and my time is spent doing all I can to meet their needs. I start my day dealing with any queries and emails and once I have addressed anything that needs immediate action, we produce a back order report which highlights how orders are progressing. The focus is then on doing all I can to ensure supplies get to them as quickly as possible.
Across my two accounts I look after around 600 field engineers, ensuring they have everything they need for a successful installation. That includes providing items like cables, tools, gas parts, uniform and PPE equipment. As well as making sure they get what they need when they need it, I also help them source the best value supplies. So, I might spend time researching alternative suppliers, requesting quotes, providing information sheets and finding the best value option.
A typical day might also see me chatting to a customer over Teams, liaising with CHH’s purchasing to obtain delivery dates for parts and keeping the portal updated which the engineers use to place their orders.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
I love the variety. No two days are the same. I also get to form great relationships. I get to know my customers really well. Like CHH, they have low staff turnover and I’ve been speaking to the same people for many years. That brings huge benefits in building trust and understanding. They know that I’m always on hand to do whatever it takes to meet their needs.
I’m also lucky to work with an amazing team. We are very supportive of each other and there is real enthusiasm and energy. The Managed Services division is very busy and fast growing and we have to work collaboratively to keep on top of everything. We get on really well and it is a very positive working environment. It’s a very different dynamic to other offices I’ve worked in.
What does your manager have to say?
Laura Leese, Managing Director, Managed Services
Sam is one of the nicest people I have ever met. As our Chief Executive Officer Paul Turner says, every business needs a Sam. Her people skills are excellent and be it customers or colleagues, she goes above and beyond to help out. She genuinely cares about doing a great job and ensuring her customers get what they need when they need it.
I am very fortunate to have a team of people who are all passionate about what we’re doing. CHH’s Managed Services division continues to go from strength to strength and has grown from just Sam and I to three account managers and an admin and I’ll soon be welcoming two new recruits. Everyone has a can-do attitude and there is a brilliant team spirit. In the end, it is that culture that is the secret of CHH’s success.
Talk to CHH today about how we can use our smart connectivity solutions to help transform your business. Call us on 0121 344 4229 or email enquiry@chhconex.com
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